Sunday, June 11, 2017


Food. Talking about food, i believe this four letters will become special topic for every one. Do you agree with me?

Ok. Food become main factor for our body growth and health. By consume a nurient food, a baby can grow to be an adult. That's why every mom really care for it. As we know, the grow for a baby cant be repeated. It happen only one for a life time everyday. If their mom have mistake to give nutrious food, negative effect will see soon.

For rich family, buying nutrious food is not difficult. The opposite condition,  from one who comes from poor family. Can eat nutriout food everyday is something worth for them. They even dont know whether they can eat three time a day or not. Can you put yourself in their condition? It's a pity.

That's why, islam have a special month in a year whereas in one month its adherents will face fasting month. It is one of way for them to feel same like poor one so that they can be more kind. Care to give nutrious food. That's a deep meaning of fasting.

See, islam is kind religion. It learn its adherents to symphaty to poor one. It is a fact, right?i writes this statement not because i'm moslem, but it is a reality.

Happy fasting for moslems in a world. Hope our kindness will be accepted by god!

Ok. In the end of write, i only want to thank god for giving me a chance to meet fasting month in this year.



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